ERDF PP1: Print


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Via Cadorna, 36, 34170 Gorizia, Italy


Contact Person:

Paolo Panjek

Tel./Fax of Contact Person:

Tel: +39 0481 597411
Fax: +39 0481 537204

Email of Contact Person:

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Informest was established in 1991 (Italian Law 9/1/91 n.19) with the objective of promoting economic development and internationalization processes with respect to Eastern Europe following the fall of the Iron Curtain. Its co-founding bodies are Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Veneto Region and ICE (National Institute for Foreign Trade). At national level Informest consolidated its reputation for excellence by becoming one of the four national agencies for cooperation in the area of Southeast Europe (L. 84/01). Informest has completed projects championed by the cooperation strategies of Informest associate regions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Development. Informest promotes economic cooperation and provides strategic and operative support. Our areas of interest are Northeast Italy, the countries of Central and Southeast Europe, the former Soviet Union countries, Asia and China in particular. Informest is a lead manager and partner in international cooperation projects has successfully completed projects of territorial cooperation within European structural funds, within European projects for research and innovation and within the main resources of Italian cooperation.